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Apple Vision Pro向けイマーシブビデオプラットフォームを提供するAmplium、米国VC「LAUNCH Fund」などからプレシード資金調達を実施


「enU Pharma, Inc. 」

Sustainable Forestを実現する|株式会社森未来、シリーズAラウンドの資金調達を実施
Our Mission
Taking on challenges together with entrepreneurs creating a new era
DG Incubation leverages the knowledge and network of the Digital Garage Group to help startups improve their business models, develop business strategies, acquire human resources, and raise funds. We are currently managing three funds: Open Network Lab & ESG I “Earthshot Fund”, Sapporo Innovation Fund, and Hamagin DG Innovation Fund. We invest in startups looking to succeed on a global stage.
– Signed Japan Impact-driven Financing Initiative
– NEDO Certified Venture Capital
– Hamamatsu City Certified Venture Capital
– Okinawa Partner VC

Open Network Lab & ESG Ⅰ Fund
Open Network Lab & ESG I Fund ("Earthshot Fund") invests primarily in startups that are adopted by Onlab, Japan's first seed accelerator, as well as ESG-related startups. We feature hands-on support for investee companies in collaboration with Onlab.

Sapporo Innovation Fund
Sapporo Innovation Fund was established by a collaboration between the city of Sapporo and bio-related companies in Hokkaido, aiming to further revitalize the bio-healthcare industry by leveraging their respective strengths. We support the business growth of startups in the bio-healthcare industry.

Hamagin DG Innovation Fund
Hamagin DG Innovation Fund was co-founded by The Bank of Yokohama and Digital Garage to invest in startups that provide a platform for innovation in digital technology, services, or revitalization of the local economy.